Kosher Seoul

A Jews semester in South Korea

Rush to Lush


If you told me last week that I’d go to Lush and spend almost $100 dollars to get some of their weird organic products, I’d probably stare at you.

I have no bathtub here to turn gold with their bubble bath, so what’s the point of going into Lush in Seoul?

Well, when they sneakily have several amazing artists perform at a concert that you can only get tickets to if you spend a certain amount at Lush… Well, let me tell you that I was practically running to Lush to find things I could buy.

But in the end… It didn’t seem to be so difficult. Lush in the United States is a little bit more expensive than most brands that aren’t designer, but mostly reasonably priced. A large bottle of organic, vegan shampoo (according to their website) is $25.

In Seoul it’s $50.

So, yea… It was pretty easy to get tickets!

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