Kosher Seoul

A Jews semester in South Korea

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Tamar Herman

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Osaka (with Sandra!!!)


I only saw one picture of Godzilla, but that should be expected when outside of Tokyo. I never had imagined really going to Osaka, but it seems like most Yonsei students go there instead of Tokyo, due to how cheap the flights to Osaka are. In fact, due to the expensive tickets for the Shinkansen […]

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Pharmacies and (Not)-Starving


Midterm week just began and I came down with the symptoms of a sinus infection, something I’ve had once or twice before. I mentioned it to one of my friends and her response was, “let’s go to the 약국 (yakkuk, or pharmacy.)” And so we went. And it was actually the most simple thing ever. […]

Rush to Lush


If you told me last week that I’d go to Lush and spend almost $100 dollars to get some of their weird organic products, I’d probably stare at you. I have no bathtub here to turn gold with their bubble bath, so what’s the point of going into Lush in Seoul? Well, when they sneakily […]

Quoted on the!


Whoops… 시간이 없어요! 미않해요…


I haven’t updated this in a long, long tIme and for that I’m sorry. Kosher-wise I’m struggling a bit, it’s so hard from going to New York where I could get just about everything I wanted to having few foods at hand, and no restaurants. Passover (Pesach) was quite interesting, with the Ma Nishtana portion […]

A Little Overdue


So Korea… It’s been a week since I arrived and it really just kind of feels like New York. That doesn’t mean that there’s not differences, but let’s be honest, there are a lot of Asians in Flushing. It’s almost the same, except that people stare at me in the subway because I am not […]



Well, I’m here. Where is here? It’s the SK Global House Dorm at Yonsei University in Seoul. And they have crappy Internet. I’m gonna go buy a LAN line from the convenience store downstairs to see if I can at least get my laptop to work, but without a phone with 3G or LTE I’m […]