Connections Between Art and Mathematics Through Education and Aesthetics

Posted by on Sep 17, 2016 in Writing Assignment 1 | No Comments

On the surface, the fields of mathematics and the arts do not seem likely to fit well together.   The former is known more for its logical composition, and the latter for aesthetics and design.  However, this is not always the case.  More and more, many people are coming to realize the connections that can be drawn from one subject to the next.  Some schools are becoming more focused on STEAM education, which attempts to blend more technical fields like science, math, and technology to the realm of the arts for a more complete learning experience.  Even so, this is not the first instance of art and math coming together, as artists and mathematicians alike have dedicated themselves to this union between subjects.

Many schools have converted from STEM education to STEAM.  STEM education is primarily focused on science, technology, engineering, and math, and was used to remedy low performances of youth in these fields.  However, this type of teaching practice was seemingly unbalanced, which ultimately lacked in teaching the arts and humanities.  Therefore, the implementation of the arts into these programs became known as STEAM education.  The use of STEAM education was to improve creativity of students to problem solving skills.  This creative approach in modern education is highly valued, giving children a more rounded education.  The STEM education system tended to implement ideas that art and science do not mix, that “art is illogical and science is not creative” (Ko et al.).  This new education system benefitted the students, which resulted in more student achievement in respected areas, along with more creative solutions with regards to real world problem solving.  Through this blend of STEM fields and arts, it is clear how they tend to help each other.  Mathematics and the arts go hand in hand with one another, as proven by this more enriched learning experience.

Outside of the realm of education, math and art have also made significant progress when used together.  Computer generated fractals are heavily based within mathematics.  These images contain roots that branch off and reach into infinity, that create an aesthetic that bridges the fields of art and math.  These fractal images range from a smooth look to one that is more intricate.  A study found that those that closer to the smoother end of the spectrum generally had more aesthetic appeal (Spehar, et al. 813).  Furthermore, fractals can be used to analyze works of art, such as analyzing the fractal density present in some of Jackson Pollock’s works (816).  Artwork can be analyzed in this way by finding varying fractal dimensions, or varying intricacy, throughout the piece and then conducting a study that ranks what dimensions are seen to be the most aesthetically appealing.  Some artists are even known for their extensively math based works.  One example of this is MC Escher.  His study of tiling and regular divisions of a plane was unknowingly a form of mathematical research, which he then used to turn into an art form.  Much of his work is grounded within mathematical structure and geometry, all of which helped promote his credentials as an artist.


Fig. 1: A transition process by Escher, transforming the 2-colored tiling into another by an intermediate step (Schattschneider).

Many more examples of math and art coming together exist. However, the fact remains that these two subjects are not something completely apart from one another.  The use of one field into the next is something that should be promoted within the education system, as STEAM is currently trying to do.  The notion that math and art are oil and vinegar is one that should be we should seek to end, as the benefits of having them mix clearly should not be passed up.


Works Cited:

Ko, Yeonghae, Jaeho An, and Namje Park. “Development of Computer, Math, Art Convergence Education Lesson Plans Based on Smart Grid Technology.” Communications in Computer and Information Science Computer Applications for Security, Control and System Engineering (2012): 109-14. Web

La Haye, Roberta, and Irene Naested. “Mutual Interrogation: A Celebration Of Alternate Perspectives For Visual Art And Math Curriculum.” Canadian Review Of Art Education: Research & Issues 41.2 (2014): 185-201. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.

Quigley, Cassie, and Dani Herro. “‘Finding The Joy In The Unknown’: Implementation Of STEAM Teaching Practices In Middle School Science And Math Classrooms.” Journal Of Science Education & Technology 25.3 (2016): 410-426. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.

Schattschneider, Doris. “The mathematical side of MC Escher.” Notices of the AMS 57.6 (2010): 706-718.

Spehar, Branka, et al. “Universal aesthetic of fractals.” Computers & Graphics 27.5 (2003): 813-820.

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