Evolution of Mass Communication in the 21st Century

Posted by on Dec 2, 2016 in Writing Assignment 8 | No Comments

In discussing the different media through which advertisers broadcast their message, it is important to realize exactly how mass communication in conducted with the dawn of digital technology. The advanced technologies that we now have access to have created a limitless ability to send and interpret information in easier and more coherent ways than ever […]

The Socio-Political Influence of Television

Posted by on Nov 30, 2016 in Writing Assignment 3 | No Comments

Television has proven to be one of the most powerful senders of communication, primarily due to its combination of both artistic freedom and sphere of influence. It has become a staple of the American home, and with the introduction of streaming platforms and video-on-demand, its omnipresence has turned into access to any show at any […]

Worldbuilding in Fiction Literature

Posted by on Nov 29, 2016 in Writing Assignment 6 | No Comments

The central component of transmedia storytelling is worldbuilding, or the creation of a world within a given plot line. A classic example of this is in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, in which a wizard world is created for protagonist Harry Potter and all subsequent characters to inhabit. In terms of transmedia storytelling, worldbuilding acts the […]

Television and Family: The Social Implications of a Mass Medium

Posted by on Nov 13, 2016 in Writing Assignment 7 | No Comments

Before the rise of the Internet and the immediacy of streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, television dominated the 20th century as the primary medium of entertainment and communication. Television was – less so than today – the center of Western culture, with blockbuster shows like Seinfeld and Friends dominating the landscape of American entertainment. […]

What is Transmedia Storytelling?

Posted by on Oct 31, 2016 in Writing Assignment 5 | No Comments

With the introduction of digital media into the world of marketing and communications, traditional methods of “print and publish” are no longer sufficient to captivate both the time (and money) of consumers. This is where transmedia storytelling comes in. As defined by Henry Jenkins, “Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction […]

Digital Powerhouse: How Technology Takes Hold of the 21st Century

Posted by on Oct 20, 2016 in Writing Assignment 4 | No Comments

Since its inception, digital technology has proven to be a catalyst in growth and success across all fields of business. In the post-WWII era, the countries quickest in recovering their economies and rebuilding their gross domestic product had the highest amounts of technological usage (Comin, 242). The introduction of products such as the cellphone and […]

The Power and Consequences of Media Convergence

Posted by on Sep 28, 2016 in Writing Assignment 2 | No Comments

The technological revolution of the 2000s to the present has allowed for the expansion of the modern-day system of communication and feedback, yet targets the inadequacies of traditional media. In particular, print journalism has experienced a sharp decline in marketability and utility because of its restricted breadth of reach. The apex of the digital age […]

How Digital Media is Taking Over Print Journalism in 140 Characters

Posted by on Sep 17, 2016 in Writing Assignment 1 | No Comments

  The technological boom of the past decade has restructured the foundation of how American society communicates. In particular, the machine of mass media has evolved from that of printed copy distributed weekly across the nation to a digitized, online platform where information can be searched, shared, and saved within the click of a button. […]