Vision Zero and Cycling Safety: What is the Solution?

Posted by on Dec 3, 2016 in Writing Assignment 8 | No Comments

Ever since the British Parliament passed the laws regarding road safety work, the desire to eliminate traffic fatalities and achieve the goal of “zero” has spread over many countries, including the United States. One of the aspects of the transportation system that is not usually associated with “Vision Zero” is cycling (Johansson, 2009). However, cycling […]

Peer Pressure: Teenagers Behind the Wheel

Posted by on Nov 21, 2016 in Writing Assignment 7 | No Comments

The majority of children start walking by the time they are 14 or 15 months old. Of course, there are exceptions to the general rule, since some children don’t walk until they are 17 months old. Just like with walking, it takes time for a human being to become mature enough for practicing a certain […]

Causes of Traffic Accidents: Bad Driving Habits Contribute to Life-Threatening Distractions

Posted by on Nov 7, 2016 in Writing Assignment 6 | No Comments

Numerous different factors contribute to increased risks of traffic accidents and fatalities; however, the most important component is the irresponsibility of drivers. After all, the drivers’ fates are in their own hands, since, in most cases, the reasons behind one’s arrival at a “dead end” are hidden behind one’s hazardous driving habits. It is important […]

Punishment as a device for accident prevention. Deterrent effects of traffic enforcement.

Posted by on Nov 1, 2016 in Writing Assignment 5 | No Comments

From the very beginning of road traffic history people understood that without any laws or regulations, all movement on the roads would be in the so-called “state of nature,” which means that the molecules within an environment, represented as cars on the city streets, would be in constant and uncontrolled motion, allowing for random collisions […]

Autonomous cars are not mature enough to assist us in achieving zero traffic fatalities

Posted by on Oct 25, 2016 in Writing Assignment 4 | No Comments

Human error has always been the leading cause of car accidents, accounting for about 90% of such occurrences. Therefore, eliminating the need for human involvement in the driving process has the potential to significantly reduce the number of traffic fatalities, which is the goal and the direction of the “Vision Zero” project. The question is: […]

Good Intentions Can Sometimes Backfire: Immature Los Angeles and Safer New York

Posted by on Oct 18, 2016 in Writing Assignment 3 | No Comments

When the issue our society is dealing with concerns human life and safety, which is true about the “Vision Zero” project, it is vital that the actions undertaken to resolve a certain aspect of the problem do not backfire by leading to a loss of balance in another aspect. Traffic engineers must be able to […]

When are the “Vision Zero” actions balanced? The causes and the price.

Posted by on Oct 2, 2016 in Writing Assignment 2 | No Comments

When introduced to the world in 1997, the “Vision Zero” project seemed to be the bright spot among the darkness created by numerous traffic fatalities. The laudable goal of achieving zero traffic deaths has been kept in the minds of lawmakers ever since. However, very often this desire to see zero in the statistics would […]

“World with no traffic fatalities” – possible reality or a fairy tale title? “Vision Zero is working, ” says de Blasio.

Posted by on Sep 17, 2016 in Writing Assignment 1 | No Comments

The number of vehicles on roads is constantly increasing, which means that there is always need for changes in traffic laws to ensure safety and mobility. However, the capacity for change is limited if the behavior of traffic units is modified within an unchanged medium. The world needs to reach the perfect harmony between street […]