Week One: January 30. Introduction: New York City in the 1960 s

The (Not So) Good Bad, and Ugly

Week Two: February 6.  How to Write Your Semi-Fictional Sixties (Auto)Biography. A Social Explorer Tutorial and Exercise led by Sara Martucci

Week Three: Wednesday February 15. (Not So)Good, Bad and Ugly

February 20  No class

Week Four: February 27. New York City and The Arts in the 1960s

Week Five: March 6. 1960s Movies and 1960s New York City in the Movies

Feature Film: The Warriors in the Screening Room

Week Six: March 13.1960s Television and 1960s New York City on Television in the Screening Room

Week Seven: March 20. 1960s Social Movements: National and Local

Week Eight: March 27. 1960s New York City Activism.  Guest Presentation:  Gil Fagiani, Activism and Poetry.

Week Nine: April 3. Politics, Policy, and Planning.

Week Ten: April 20. Thursday make up class for field/museum trip

Week Eleven: April 24. Coming to New York City in the 1960s. Ethnic Enclaves Then and Now.

Week Twelve: May 1. Make up class for field/museum trip

Week Thirteen: May 8. Discussions of Field Trips and Field notes

Week Fourteen: May 15 Review of Class and Student Presentations on their Biographies

Week Fifteen: Final ???