Author Archives: Kevin Tseng

High Line Photography

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Museums and ICP

I’ve worked for two years in the Museum of Natural History, and only after those two years have I begun to really understand museums. Sure, a museum is a tourist attraction, a hang-out spot, and for me, a lab to … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments | 2 Comments

9/11 and the Twin Towers

My closest tie to the Twin Towers is my mother, who worked there for ten years of her life. So I guess I’ll begin there. The story begins in 1993, when she was working in Tower 2. She was a … Continue reading

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Collector of T-Shirts

I never saw myself as a collector of t-shirts. I knew that I enjoyed buying t-shirts with (in my opinion) beautiful print designs, but I individualized my interest in each t-shirt, never the whole. Yesterday, I took out all the … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Photo Journal, Student Eportfolios | Leave a comment