Group projects involve independent and team research into a contemporary problem or issue faced by New York City. Group presentations should take the form or a proposal for addressing the problem/issue chosen.

At the end of the semester, on May 5-6, each group will present their research findings at a CUNY-wide Macaulay event.


Group 1: Destany, Daniela, Joseph, Cheyenne, Shira

Group 2: Emilee, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Joan, Rebekah

Group 3: Shifall, Melissa, Leah, Jinhee, Kimberly

Group 4: Nabila, Allison, Jacqueline, Sarah


Presentations should thoroughly identify and discuss the problem/issue chosen, including: statement of purpose; brief history/background; analysis of issue as well as related proposals or ideas and, if appropriate, your thoughts for addressing it.

Practice project presentations will be during class, April 25 and April 30.

Presentations should be 15 minutes long.