Lunchtime, for me, is usually that brief reprieve from classes that I utilize to stuff my face-hole with any edible substance I can get my hands on. Being that I don’t really believe in breakfast, by noontime I’m usually in the throes of hunger pangs from hell, thus that time isn’t usually very productive for me. However, on Wednesday, April 10th (yeah, I know, it’s been like 3 weeks, but I’m a busy dude) I made the ultimate sacrifice: I skipped lunch for class. This is unbelievably crazy. The words “lunch” and “class” are usually switched when this statement emanates from my face-hole (I like this term, and I stand by it). I took my Free-Hour break and went to the information session and panel presented by the QC Urban Studies Department in Kylie 270. I’ve been taking classes in that building for 2 years now, and it still took me 20 minutes to find the room. Once I finally found it, I settled into my wooden chair, prepared my laptop for note-taking, waved to Professor Larson, fist-bumped Aaron “Aaron #3” Morgenthal – who was seated behind me – and prepared to hear about “NYC and the Green New Deal” from a distinguished panel of well-informed speakers.
The Green New Deal. This term hails back to FDR’s New Deal which was his economic response to the Great Depression. This reiteration of the deal is meant to apply the same economic approach to the issue of climate change. It was proposed as a resolution in Congress. It would act as a 10 year program to completely shift gears on many economic problems the US faces today. It calls for the US to switch to 100% renewable energy, universal healthcare, elimination of pollution and greenhouse gases, and free education for all, among other things, It overall has many socialist and progressive goals for the US. It was proposed as a 14 page resolution in the Senate, drawn up and championed by NY Representative Alexandria Occasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey. It has led to a very contentious debate in the US concerning how best to react to climate change.
The first to speak on this was Costa Costantinides, a NYC council member and the Chair of the Environmental Protection Committee, among others. He was the classic politician: well-dressed, with an American flag on his lapel, charismatic and well-spoken. With a wide smile, he began by talking about how he was a QC graduate, immediately winning over much of the room. He then made the following points. He first stated that “Climate change is the fight of our generation.” He then quoted President Obama as having said that, “We are the first generation to feel the effects of climate change, and the last to be able to do anything about it.” He then moved into the specifics of his role in preventing climate change, discussing legislation he worked on to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050 and discussing how 100,000 of his indigent constituents were made into refugees due to Hurricane Sandy and climate change. Then, he plugged a new bill of his that aims to force 50,000 of the largest buildings in NYC to reduce emissions, as they are responsible for 30% of total emissions. Lastly, he discussed his work shutting down power plants by replacing them with solar panels and wind turbines and financing climate change victims. He closed with this: “Change needs to start in the cities and move outwards.” I thought he was well-spoken, and was pointing out many relevant issues of today. I would’ve liked for him to detail more about how his buildings bill was going to work, and what the repercussions of it would’ve been. Also, in classic politician style, he barely talked about the Green New Deal, which was technically the focus of the talk, and instead talked a lot about his own work. While I can definitely see that he is very qualified to talk about his own projects, I would’ve preferred more of a focus on the topic at hand.
Next to speak was the person who was used the most to advertise the event: Professor Andres Bernal, a PhD student, adjunct faculty member at QC, and an advisor to Rep. Occasio-Cortez’s campaign. He seemed young, relatable, and very with-it. As he began, I looked him up on Rate My Professor (what is up with Chegg lately, taking over everything). 4.2, not bad, not bad at all. I did find the following very bad review, which I thought was hilarious:
“He never responds to emails because he is too busy getting his Doctorate and consulting with his Congresswoman. Never prepared for class and is always preoccupied during class…Avoid.”
I know this is irrelevant, but I thought it was funny that she clearly came up in his classes.
Either way, he discussed how he met Occasio-Cortez at a youth leadership conference in 2010, and how they shared many ideals of how it is very important in the US for you to take ownership of your own future. Now, as a congresswoman, she is trying to apply this to the US’s ways of dealing with climate change. He described their reaction to winning the campaign as, “Holy crap. Now what?” Her team now saw this elevated platform as an opportunity to use the issue of climate change as a lens to show the American people all of the issues with their society in today’s day and age. The system that allowed for climate change to occur is the same system that causes inequality and racism, so to fight it one must take a holistic approach. He asserted that the Green New Deal isn’t a bill, but a resolution. It functions to bring in organizations to work with the government to allow for us to save the environment and help those adversely affected by it. Then, he addressed what many see as the ultimate question on the Green New Deal; How will this massive undertaking be paid for? He responded that the current economic model in the US is really bad and has caused all of our problems. He said that as a country we can spend however much money we want so long as we avoid inflation, and the way to avoid inflation is to utilize all resources.
This solution to the money problem at hand did not seem very tenable to me. A center-right organization, the American Action Forum, estimated the total cost of the Green New Deal as between 51 and 93 trillion dollars over 10 years, as was reported by Bloomberg ( Backers of the plan say that climate change could end up being greatly expensive as well, but nowhere to the scale that this plan is. Now, it is certainly possible that bias inflated these numbers, as Sen. Markey claims, but even if they are inflated, there is no question this huge overhaul of American policy will be incredibly expensive. To simply say that we can just change the fundamental economy of the US within the next few years is nothing short of astounding. It’s just impossible. The entire country cannot change so fundamentally in so short a time. It would take a miracle. But, who knows? As a Jew, I can’t really, in good faith, deny someone a miracle. But, there needs to be more to the plan then just, “Oh yeah, let’s just change EVERYTHING, no biggie.” There need to be real, concrete steps to deal with the huge issues that arise from rewriting the economic framework of the world’s most powerful country.
Next to have the floor was climate change and social justice activist, Leslie Kagan,, who serves as the Chair of the Climate Coalition. She was very engaging and clearly a skilled speaker. She made a bunch of very important points. She began by stating that climate change is a global crisis, not a local phenomenon but a day to day, in-your-face problem on a global scale. She further pointed out that solving it is so, so hard that it makes many want to ignore it or give up. Real change, Leslie asserted, happens from the bottom up; all people must mobilize. She applauded NY people really helping to put concrete policy in place, and she was confident and hopeful that city/state legislation becomes law. But, she was careful to warn that our work doesn’t end with a few laws on the books. Then, she addressed the payment question. She pointed out that this question is never asked when a war needs paying for, which garnered an ovation from the room. While this was an interesting point, I’m not entirely sure the two are comparable; war is usually a life-or-death necessity (while it can be argued that climate change is as well, it is certainly a much slower process), and many times wartime will actually spur the economy, like how WW2 ended the Great Depression. And, besides for that, once again this isn’t a concrete way to pay for the resolution. Nonetheless, it was a rather sharp point.
Last to speak was Annel Hernandez, a Climate and Renewable Energy Coalition member, who previously did research on climate change in cities. She has been a lifetime New Yorker, and she affirmed that all of her work is based on dealing with the real-life and everyday issues that New Yorkers face due to climate change. She pointed out that just reacting to climate changes’ symptoms instead of finding real ways to fix the heart of the issue was a big mistake being made in the US today. I totally agree, and thought this was a very nice point. She discussed how the fossil fuel industry has many failures and causes many problems in society. She feared that many of the injustices of that industry may carry over into the necessary new industries of renewable resources and she cautioned taking great care when designing that industry. She was very happy about Occasio-Cortez’s win, but she firmly stated that grassroots movements are going to solve the problems in the US far more effectively than federal solutions. While I agree that grassroots movements are certainly important, it is also important to realize the great power and influence that the US federal government wields. If turned to aid in the climate change crisis, this power could be of great use.
What followed was a Q and A session. If I go through that, this paper will be longer than Donald Trump’s rap sheet. Suffice it to say, our panel was asked about communities of color and Sandy relief, negative emission technology, and public opinion on the environment. They answered. Usually well. Oh, don’t look at me like that. This is already 3 pages on Microsoft Word with no line spaces. I’m losing my mind here. Let me skimp on something.
As a sort-of critique, I would like to point out that I was disappointed to find that all the members of the panel were almost wholly in agreement with one another. Aside from some very nuanced points, like what part of government/the nation the best political change would come from, all the panelists were singing the same tune. I understand that this was an informational event and that it perfectly functioned for what it was meant to do. However, I think that real dialogue about an issue can only happen if all sides of it are explored with an open mind. Dissenting opinions force pure and honest conversation; they make sure to take everyone to task for the weaknesses in their arguments. For everyone in a panel to agree makes the whole event a bit one-dimensional. This isn’t to say I didn’t enjoy the event; on the contrary, it was very informative and interesting. I agreed with much of what was said. I learned a lot. But, a debate style would’ve allowed for more of an exploration of the topic.
Okay, here’s the breakdown. Climate change is a really big issue. Anyone who denies this is ignoring a lot of science. Ignoring science is not usually smart. The fact is, our actions do impact the earth in many significant ways, and we need to ensure that future generations have a clean and healthy place to live. I am 100% for doing all we can to halt climate change.
Should you disagree with that last paragraph, or should you be down for a laugh, you’re going to really enjoy this video.
Now, when it comes to the Green New Deal, I am a little hesitant. I am looking for a way to act for the environment that is effective, but also pragmatic and achievable. I went to this session seeking to be convinced that the Green New Deal was this. To be honest, I’m still uncertain. The New Green Deal has some very positive and helpful goals. I just don’t quite see it as feasible. One of the biggest hurdles for this is the fact that the parts of it that help the environment are buried inside of a very progressive agenda. It will be very hard to sell that to the American people at large, especially the Republican part of the government. According to that Bloomberg article, most of the expenses for the Green New Deal aren’t even for the environmental aspect of it; rather, they are for the economic, socialist agenda. To quote the article:
“That includes between $8.3 trillion and $12.3 trillion to meet the plan’s call to eliminate carbon emissions from the power and transportation sectors and between $42.8 trillion and $80.6 trillion for its economic agenda including providing jobs and health care for all.”
I would prefer it if these were separate; if the issue of climate change could be addressed independent of the politics; preventing climate change should be something everyone is on board with, regardless of political affiliation. It shocks me that it has become so politicized. This isn’t to say that I disagree with the other parts of the Green New Deal; I just think they should be addressed separately. It is far more likely for the Green part of the deal to get through the government than the rest of it. If it were more focused and more economically sound, I’d be more sold. Honestly, I need to see a concrete, step-by-step analysis of how we can work to prevent climate change, that has been planned by economists, scientists, sociologists, and politicians working together to create the best possible system. A system which an happen in our society.
There is a lot about the Green New Deal that I respect. It works towards some very laudable goals. But, the key is finding real, solid stepping stones. I’m uncertain that this resolution has those. But, the talks were very true; climate change is happening. It is getting worse, and it can only be stopped through our actions. It is going to take some drastic action. Maybe the Green New Deal is just what we need.
Who knows.
All I know is one thing:
How could they forget to buy kosher pizza at this event???
Like, really?
My sad, empty face-hole.
Works Cited
Natter, Ari. “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Could Cost $93 Trillion, Group Says.”, Bloomberg, 9 Feb. 2019,