Author Archives: Daniel Ursomanno

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Protected: Revised Map – Daniel Ursomanno —- This map underwent serious changes from my previous one. Color scheme was something that needed to be taken into account. Also, being there was so many lines on my map better spacing was needed. It seemed after further review that by only drawing the track and scanning it in on its own and computer generating the rest, was the best way to go. It was clear most of my work for this map needed to be on the computer.

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Posted in Source Study #2: My Staten Island | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: My Map

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Posted in Source Study #2: My Staten Island | Enter your password to view comments.


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Posted in Source Study #2: My Staten Island | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: My Map of Staten Island

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Posted in Source Study #2: My Staten Island | Enter your password to view comments.