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Protected: Claudia and Kelly’s Mexican Restaurant Trip

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Tax Visualization Challenge

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This Week’s Maps

NY Times Interactive Map Showing the Grid

Slate Jobs Map

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Protected: Mapa-lapa Redo

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Protected: Mino’s Final Staten Island Map

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Protected: New Map

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Protected: Nicole’s Staten Island

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Tsunami Before and After Satellite Photos

These aren’t exactly maps, at least not by the definitions we’ve been talking about, but as far as a visual representation of data (number of homes lost, percentage of homes lost, perhaps), this is hard to beat. And note, too, that it’s extremely simple. More evidence that visual representation is at least as much about conception as technological skill:

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More Maps!

Mapping the History of Science Fiction:

(With apologies for offensiveness) Mapping ethnic stereotypes:

And here you can find a First Nations critique of maps as ways to enslave indigenous peoples.

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