Day 10

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 8:52 pm on Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 10 was actually a pretty fun day, though it was so long! We left the ferry for the Athens airport to catch our flight to Samos at 10 AM. The plane was one of those propellor ones, definitely not a commercial plane! I quite enjoyed the flight, the views of all the islands were […]

Day 9

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 8:35 pm on Friday, January 13, 2012

Heyyy my lovely readers! Day 9 was a pretty relaxed day because we didn’t have anything specific planned. I dropped off some dirty laundry at a cleaners, definitely the best 7 euros I’ve spent! I then headed off to the market to grab some gifts for my family. I learned some cool info on how to […]

Day 8

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 8:25 pm on Friday, January 13, 2012

Hello! I woke up on day 8 to find myself in Crete! The ferry landed while I was asleep. We boarded the bus, dropped our bags off at the hotel, and headed towards the Minoan palace of Knossos. On the way, we passed so many olive trees and George, our tour guide, told us there […]

Day 7

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 8:07 pm on Friday, January 13, 2012

Kalispera! Sorry I am falling behind on my blog, we are doing so much and there isn’t a ton of free time/internet access for me to post! But I will try to tell you guys about some of the last few days right now =] So on day 7, after a quick gyro, we headed […]

Day 6

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 2:50 pm on Monday, January 9, 2012

Kalispera! (good day in Greek) So today we got some bad news. Apparently the employees working at the historical sights are on strike because they haven’t been getting full wages. That means that we aren’t able to enter the sites. Definitely a bummer =[ but I guess these things happen, right? Greece’s economic situation isn’t exactly […]

Day 5

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 2:31 pm on Monday, January 9, 2012

Kalimera! (that means “good morning” in Greek) So today we left Delphi to continue our tour of the mainland. Today was mostly a driving day so there really isn’t too much to tell. We left Delphi and drove to Olympia. One thing that was pretty cool was the bridge to Antirion. It is the world’s […]

Day 4

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 1:33 pm on Monday, January 9, 2012

Hey everyone, So on the fourth day we left Athens for a tour of the mainland. The first place we went to was Delphi, the ancient sanctuary dedicated to Apollo, the Greek god of light and prophecy.  As a classics major, Delphi has special significance to me because I read about it all the time […]

Day 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 5:09 pm on Friday, January 6, 2012

Hey all, So I haven’t had consistent Internet for the past few days (we have been traveling quite a bit!) so now I can finally sit down and write a decent blog entry. Oh, and I’m sorry I haven’t been posting any pictures! I only brought my iPad on this trip so I can’t upload […]

Day 1 and 2

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 1:48 pm on Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hey everyone, So I’m typing this journal entry as fast as I can in a local McDonald’s by the Athenian Parliament building because our hotel doesn’t have wifi! So please excuse the typos =] It’s been nice taking a break from technology; I feel like I really am experiencing Athens without an iPhone to tell […]

Helloooo =]

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 8:56 pm on Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hey everyone! So I’m trying my hand at this whole blogging thing for a few weeks to chronicle my study abroad trip to Greece and Turkey.  Hopefully it’ll be an interesting read but more importantly, I hope I keep it updated! But anyway, just a little introduction about myself…my name is Lashika!  I’m a Macaulay […]