Day 5

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 2:31 pm on Monday, January 9, 2012

Kalimera! (that means “good morning” in Greek)

So today we left Delphi to continue our tour of the mainland. Today was mostly a driving day so there really isn’t too much to tell. We left Delphi and drove to Olympia. One thing that was pretty cool was the bridge to Antirion. It is the world’s longest cable bridge, and it crosses the Gulf of Corinth near the town of Patras. On both sides of the bridge are these forts that, in ancient times, guarded the entrance of the gulf. They are still here today! After we crossed the bridge, I fell asleep until we got to Olympia. The drive was just so long!

We arrived at our hotel at Olympia, which was really nice! It was a bit chilly though. All in all the weather has been colder than I had expected. Definitely not as cold as winters are in Chicago and New York though, so I’m not complaining! We ate at the hotel for dinner.  I’ve never eaten so many 3 course meals in my life! We had a cheese pie and salad for appetizers, chicken and rice for the meal, and a rum cake for dessert. I love cheese pie, but my lactose-intolerant body hates me for it! The Greeks love cheese and they love meat. My favorite foods have definitely been souvlaki and tzatziki though. I’ll post pics of the awesome food soon!

1 Comment »


   Manuel Jiménez - Negocio Multinivel

January 9, 2012 @ 2:48 pm   

Thank you!
Some day, i will travell like you.
Thank you for share.


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