Day 6

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 2:50 pm on Monday, January 9, 2012

Kalispera! (good day in Greek)

So today we got some bad news. Apparently the employees working at the historical sights are on strike because they haven’t been getting full wages. That means that we aren’t able to enter the sites. Definitely a bummer =[ but I guess these things happen, right? Greece’s economic situation isn’t exactly the greatest right now, and I have definitely seen the frustrations of the citizens over the course of my time here. There is graffiti everywhere and a lot of it asks for help and reforms to be given. Hopefully the unrest doesn’t affect my stay here!

As a result, we were not able to go inside the Temple of Zeus or any of the other sights at Olympia. Our driver, Chris, and our tour guide, Nani, were really upset! But they wanted us to be able to see the ruins  so they managed to drive us into the site illegally hahaha. Best tour group ever! We got to see the original ancient Olympic stadium and gymnasium from behind the fence. Apparently the only married woman allowed to enter the stadium and watch the games was the oracle. Otherwise the other married women had to stay at home. My friend joked that since the athletes were naked, this rule ensured that the married women didn’t cheat on their husbands! Who knows, maybe it’s true hahaha.

We stopped for lunch at a local restaurant and ate some pastitsio. It’s kind of like lasagna, but with noodle pasta, not the sheets. It was delicious! Afterwards we drove from Olympia to Naphlion, a seaside town. Of all the places so far, this would definitely be the place I would like to live if I was in Greece! The views of the sea were incredible, and there were so many little shops and restaurants too. Such a fun little town! I also had my first Greek gyro here, and let me tell you…they are the best gyros in the world! They also put French fries in them! The Greeks love French fries, they accompany so many of their foods…I definitely do not complain! After a night of shopping, eating, and exploring the town, we headed back to the hotel for a well-deserved sleep.

1 Comment »


   Sherine Thomas

January 9, 2012 @ 8:34 pm   

Dude, I’m getting famished on hearing on all the food. So I think that being the great roommate you are, you should bring some back via recipe style. Everything sounds so incredibly amazing!!!!! I’m so glad you’re having an awesome time there! I definitely can’t wait to see pictures of allllll the food!!! and lol of course the pics of all the places as well! And that town definitely sounds like a Lash town =] Anyway, I hope the protests get settled with an appropriate and good response from the Greek gov’t. People have needs and when those needs aren’t met, it’s good that they take a stand to do something about it. I’m glad they’re fighting for it, but I really am sorry that your trip is getting disrupted by it. You should write a strongly worded letter to them politicians! lol kk fruitcake, keep enjoying every min, eat well, rest well, and stay well!

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