Day 9

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyogendran at 8:35 pm on Friday, January 13, 2012

Heyyy my lovely readers!

Day 9 was a pretty relaxed day because we didn’t have anything specific planned. I dropped off some dirty laundry at a cleaners, definitely the best 7 euros I’ve spent! I then headed off to the market to grab some gifts for my family. I learned some cool info on how to store olive oil. Apparently all the good olive oil on Crete is sold in dark black glass bottles. This is not accidental, as the black glass blocks any negative reactions that would spoil the oil. Plastic bottles are the worst to hold the oil in because plastic reacts with the oil and ruins it, making it good only for a few months. Olive oil stored in a black bottle can be kept for at least a year or two, if not more. Afterwards we grabbed a quick lunch at our favorite gyro place (cheap and delicious!), picked up our laundry, and went back to the hotel to get ready to board the ferry back to Athens. We will be taking an early morning flight the next day to go to Samos. I’m looking forward to the ferry, I had a very nice sleep on the way to Crete so I’m sure that I will be able to sleep tonight as well. I’m looking forward to Samos!

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