Aug 02

Yesterday’s date was August 1st which means I’ve been here for a month! How amazingly exciting is that! I had two distinct thoughts yesterday because of this significant “monthversary”
1. I proudly realize just how adaptive I could be. I love Melbourne as much as, if not more so, than I expected I would. Like I talked about in my previous post, I feel like I can figure my way around with public transportation, I absolutely love my ‘family’ here and am even making friends! Granted, there’s no language barrier and it’s not really such a different cultural experience, but there are always differences that still challenge your ability to cope and adapt. Not to mention being away from family, friends and everything familiar. (Hey, that’s some great alliteration there!) Anyway, just thought I’d give myself a nice pat on the back for successfully completing a month in this new environment and truly enjoying my time here at that!

This Tourist Tuesday, I visited the Immigration Museum and their exhibit about Identity really got me thinking. It explored why people relocate and travel to Australia and how the ensuing multiculturalism leaves many Australians searching for identity. Often people are fleeing persecution and poverty while hoping for the promise of a better life in another country. The exhibit was really interactive and informative inside of such a beautiful building. I highly recommend giving it a visit, especially if you’re a student who gets in for free!




2. The second thing that dawned on me happened in class when I was writing the date at the top of my paper. The rather odd thought I had was that never in my life had I written any school notes with the date August-anything on the top. The whole ‘different hemispheres’ thing comes into play when everyone is looking forward to their summer vacations in January while wearing coats in the beginning of August. Every August I can ever remember includes watermelons and swimming pools- and definitely no school. So, while writing the date on my paper I realized that there’s always another perspective. However you see the world, there’s automatically going to be someone who sees it differently. And again I conclude; “I guess that’s why you travel!”


And also, I’m now one of Australia’s official bloggers from North America. Check it out!

My AUSome Trip