Live Representation

Interaction Between Art and Life

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December 13th, 2011 · No Comments · Introduction

Art ranges from paintings, sculptures and objects, to poems, dance, theatre, design, music and more, and the idea of abstraction pushes the limits even further. There are almost no boundaries. And although I find all types of art and artists to be highly respectable, it is by no means always enjoyable.

If there’s one thing I realized after a full semester of Arts in New York City,  it is the fact that static, two dimensional art will bore me to sleep. I mean a full on drooling, deep dreaming coma. I’m just kidding. Kind of. However, I have discovered that extremely visual, bold, and especially live art intrigues me the most.

The art which attracts me most is art that engages you with live representation. There are two meanings when I say live representation. The first is art that is presented physically – art that is performed. This include plays, dances, musicals, recitations of readings, and much more. This is when a piece of art is brought to life. The second type is art that physically engages you. By this, I am suggesting art that engages life through you. it is art that is part of your surroundings. When you engage with the atmosphere and the environment, you engage with the art. This includes things like the 9/11 memorial in which its physical presence is overwhelming and the park and everything in it is structured and made so that it is made to function through the interaction between life and itself.


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