
After more than 24 hours of travel, we have arrived in Jamkhed!
The combination of a 15 hour flight and huge time difference meant that we didn’t see the sun for almost a full day–leaving Newark in the evening, seeing sunrise and sunset briefly through the airplane windows, arriving between 9 and 10pm local time, and arriving here at 6am local time. I slept in 20minute intervals on the plane and in the van from Mumbai, so my body is extremely confused at the moment. I unpacked and freshened up when we got here, had breakfast (hardboiled eggs, spiced yellow rice with peanuts, and delicious tea) and am now in the library. I’ve started taking some pictures, but will have to wait to upload them until I’m on my laptop. It was really dark and bumpy ride from the airport in Mumbai to Jamkhed, so none of the pictures look like anything more than blackish blur and smeared lights. A note here: drivers in India are crazy, the trucks tend to be painted orange and decorated all over, and most have giant bumper stickers/painted slogans that say some combination of “Horn” “Please” “OK.” Appaently, instead of relying on turn signals and side mirrors, people use their carhorns. And some of them sound more like toy horns than something to warn you of a speeding vehicle trying to pass you.
All we’ve done so far is travel, settle into our rooms a bit, and eat breakfast, so more will come once we’ve explored the health project’s campus and had our first class (after lunch). I’m writing from the library on campus, since the wifi in the “dorm” building isn’t working. It unfortunately probably won’t be fast enough for videochats, but voice-only skypes will happen when i bring my macbook here.

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