T minus one hour

I got my giant hiking backpack for Hannukah and I devised my best-yet procrastination technique during the latter half of finals week: making a list on a sticky note on my desktop of what I need to remember to pack. In the depths of my essay avoidance, no item was too insignificant.

Of course, I forgot to remind myself about a few important items (an electricity transformer/adaptor, alarm clock, flashlight, etc), but now I can safely say I’m all packed and ready to go! In a minute I’ll change my voicemail message for the first time since seventh grade, since it will be off from take-off today through landing back in Newark at the end of the month. Yes, you read correctly: “My phone is either off or dead” will no longer greet you when I fail to answer my phone, and when I come back a new semi-permanent message will be put in place. Changing the message is wayyyy easier than I thought. If only I could figure out how to get rid of the password-protection. If my phone is stolen, a stranger listening to my voice messages would be the least of my worries.

Anyway, now I have TWO posts on my blog. The third will be from a much more exciting place, and might even have a photo or two!

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