Day 4: Monte Plata

I didn’t sleep nearly enough last night, which might explain why today feels so disjointed. In the morning, after the morning prayer was conducted in the waiting area, I was given a tour of the clinic/introduced to everyone by Berkys, whom I had met briefly when we arrived yesterday evening. The clinic set-up is nearly …

Day 1: Santo Domingo

Hola desde la Republica Dominicana! It’s hard to believe that I woke up in Manhattan this morning. My flight left JFK at 9am, and touched down in SDQ (Las Americas International airport) at 12:30pm. I was picked up by the Project HOPE driver, Freddy, and driven to the Dominican Fiesta hotel to join the other …


Hello again! This post will be about my trip to Iguazu this weekend. For everything that we did in the second half of our three week stint here in Buenos Aires, including a day trip out to Tigre, you will have to (1) check out Aparna’s blog, (2) comb through the copious amount of photos …

San Telmo

As promised, but quite late, here is a run-down of last Sunday, January 7, which Aparna and I spent in the neighborhood of San Telmo. We left our apartment at noon, and caught a bus to San Telmo. Though it’s not a terribly long walk (probably 40-45 minutes from here to the plaza that serves …

Keeping Busy (but not too busy)

Hello again! Here is a summary of the highlights from the past week (in the form of photos, since we have an assignment due tomorrow): -Fancy coffees at Cafe Tortoni -Wandering around San Telmo -A day trip to an estancia just outside the city for a few minutes of horseback riding, lots of food and …

Clases, el Jardin Zoologico y el Subte

Aparna and I have spent the past few days making lots of plans, and following through with just enough of them to feel relaxed while getting to know the city. So far we’ve walked almost everywhere, since our host family lives in the center of the city (the cross streets are Callao and La Valle, …

El Primer Dia

Buenas tardes a todos! Aparna and I have arrived in Buenos Aires, met our host mother, unpacked our bags, and spent the entire afternoon and early evening exploring the city. Highlights of our walk included La Casa Rosada (which is in fact quite pink) and La Plaza de Mayo, the Obelisk, several pedestrianized streets, Puerto …

Liz Abroad…again!

Hello again everybody! My study abroad blog is being revived: this January I will be studying (/exploring/eating/living) in Argentina! I’ll mostly be in Buenos Aires, but plan to do a couple trips out during and after the program. I doubt the internet will go out for days at a time, so hopefully I’ll post more …