• Week 3

    Company! J & D, graduate-level pharmacy students from a college in Virginia, arrived Wednesday afternoon. They’ll be volunteering here for a month, and two of their classmates will arrive when they leave. It’s great to have company in the house, and I’ve enjoyed being able to show them around the clinic and town and explaining …

  • Dominicanisms and Names

    An ongoing list of Dominicanisms I encounter this summer. Lots are Anglicisms, some are of Arawak/Taino origin. Not included (but equally interesting) are the boatloads of calques–expressions like “llamar para atras” or “estar hasta el cuello”–that show the strong influence of English in Dominican Spanish. una banca – a place to buy lotto tickets/place bets …

  • Aaaaand we’re back! (Days 10-??, Monte Plata)

    Hello again, world! I’ve been neglecting my blogging duties this week. Things have finally picked up on the work end. One morning, I went door-to-door with a couple of the high school volunteers (who were assigned to the clinic for community service hours), and got to see a bit more of the town. In the …

  • Days 8 & 9: Monte Plata

    On Saturday, I took advantage of the chance to sleep in and didn’t even bother setting an alarm. When I finally got up, showered and dressed, I put my clothes in the washer and went to make some food. After dicing the tomato and pepper, I saw a spider. My shoes were all in my …