• So much to write, so little time to write it!

    The pace picked up in our final week, and in our rush to complete our projects after returning from our overnight trip to Pune I mostly didn’t bother doing much online. Also, the internet went out for another full day from Sunday to Monday afternoon.

  • Sankrant

    [note: I wrote this a few days ago, but was unable to post due to internet issues. Post on the rest of the week/overnight in Pune coming soon!] This post is about the happenings of this past Saturday, the Hindu harvest-related holiday of Sankrant. Sankrant is a holiday celebrated only by the women, who buy …

  • Required Reading

    Hello again! As we are all busy doing our required reading, here is some required reading for you. I realize I haven’t explained the CRHP/Jamkhed model of healthcare at all. This National Geographic article from a couple years ago is a bit long, but summarizes the way this place works wonderfully. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/12/community-doctors/rosenberg-text/1 We’ve met all …

  • Tourist Weekend

    Last weekend we went to the ancient “caves” at Ellora and Ajanta. It was a little more than a six hour drive in the Jeep from CRHP to Ellora, and about two hours from Aurangabad (the city where we stayed overnight on Saturday) to the caves at Ajanta, followed by another 6 hour drive back …