• Day 2: Santo Domingo (for real this time) – updated

    Yesterday we didn’t see any of the city, so today we had Freddy drive us around from 11:30-4 and hit all the major sightseeing spots. We didn’t go into any of the museums/historical houses, but we took pictures of them so we can still say we went. Also, it rained heavily for awhile so some …

  • Day 1: Santo Domingo

    Hola desde la Republica Dominicana! It’s hard to believe that I woke up in Manhattan this morning. My flight left JFK at 9am, and touched down in SDQ (Las Americas International airport) at 12:30pm. I was picked up by the Project HOPE driver, Freddy, and driven to the Dominican Fiesta hotel to join the other …

  • Iguazu

    Hello again! This post will be about my trip to Iguazu this weekend. For everything that we did in the second half of our three week stint here in Buenos Aires, including a day trip out to Tigre, you will have to (1) check out Aparna’s blog, (2) comb through the copious amount of photos …

  • San Telmo

    As promised, but quite late, here is a run-down of last Sunday, January 7, which Aparna and I spent in the neighborhood of San Telmo. We left our apartment at noon, and caught a bus to San Telmo. Though it’s not a terribly long walk (probably 40-45 minutes from here to the plaza that serves …