Week 3

Company! J & D, graduate-level pharmacy students from a college in Virginia, arrived Wednesday afternoon. They’ll be volunteering here for a month, and two of their classmates will arrive when they leave. It’s great to have company in the house, and I’ve enjoyed being able to show them around the clinic and town and explaining …

Days 6 & 7: Monte Plata

Thursday was mostly uneventful. I didn’t feel well utilized at all, though there were a fair number of patients. In the afternoon, I joined K & B with the pediatrician. I couldn’t help much, but it was good to see how the visits go. A key difference between here and clinics in the US is …

Day 5: Monte Plata

I’m starting to really regret not following through on my initial plan to wear my rain boots on the plane. It would’ve been a less comfortable flight, but after five straight rainy afternoons I miss them dearly. And all of you, of course. But the boots would be especially helpful. Today was was almost painfully …

Day 4: Monte Plata

I didn’t sleep nearly enough last night, which might explain why today feels so disjointed. In the morning, after the morning prayer was conducted in the waiting area, I was given a tour of the clinic/introduced to everyone by Berkys, whom I had met briefly when we arrived yesterday evening. The clinic set-up is nearly …