
I was amazed when I first saw this photograph. I found it bewitchingly beautiful. The subject wasn’t all that interesting, but the subject wasn’t what got my attention. The thing about this photo that drew me in was the artistic qualities. Photography has a special place in my heart, and this picture is perfection. The focus is just right, bitingly sharp in the foreground and blurred beautifully in the background. The lighting is unbelievably good. I’ve never seen another photo with such wonderful lighting. It highlights the subject perfectly, brightest at the center and darkening toward the edge, and draws attention to the subject’s face. The placement of the subject is also very impressive. She is slightly off-center and it creates extra depth in the image. In terms of artistic quality, I usually prefer black and white pieces, but this image is the best I’ve ever seen by far. This photo is a show of everything I hope to one day achieve with a camera and it will always be something to be admired in my eyes.

Paul Graham. New Orleans (Woman Eating). 2004.

Museum of Modern Art, New York City.

Lost in Publications. 19/10/12.

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