Posts filed under 'Dissertation'


OK, so the history of color printing goes back hundreds of years. But today, the most widely recognized palette in use for color printing is CMYK: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key black. Okay, it’s easy to see how those colors, as variations on primary colors, give you lots of different possible results when mixed. But […]

Continue Reading November 9th, 2010

What I Learned This Summer

I spent a chunk of my summer transcribing interviews between poets. It’s not for my own work, though there is some transcribing I need to do for the third chapter of my dissertation, and probably also for the fourth. I signed a confidentiality agreement for this job, so I’m not going to get into the […]

Continue Reading September 9th, 2010

musings on the fourth year/alternative careers

Today, my doctoral program’s student association sponsored a “Workshop on University Administration and Other Non-Teaching Careers.” I hadn’t intended to go. Today was my first stop by the Graduate Center in about ten days, and I really had come in simply to run errands: print a few items, file for travel reimbursement, etcetera. But a […]

Continue Reading 1 comment April 16th, 2010

On Writing The Dissertation Prospectus, Or Coming To Terms With Time

I had hoped that, having gone through this process, I would be able to reflect upon it, and offer up some nuggets of wisdom, some insights which explain how one is supposed to summarize a nonexistent monograph. I find, however, that I cannot adequately explain how I did what I did, or generalize beyond my […]

Continue Reading January 16th, 2010

Where (and How) The Work Gets Done

When I teach, one of the things I try to instill in my students is an ability to reflect critically on their own processes—how they write, how they read, how they think, how they learn. I try to learn about and think through my own processes, too. Turning an eye (or both) back onto the […]

Continue Reading September 21st, 2009

Why My Dissertation Is About What It Is About (What Is It About?)

Very broadly speaking, my dissertation examines the effect of Cold War-era sexual politics on the composition and publication of the long poems written by American poets of the twentieth century. Before I go into how I got here, a few explanations:

Continue Reading 1 comment September 3rd, 2009

Compiling an Effective and Relevant Dissertation Bibliography

After isolating the questions that have driven and continue to drive my research (hey, I’m in the humanities, figuring out the point of something after the fact is part of the fun! *wink*), this past week I set about compiling an effective starting bibliography for my dissertation. There are any number of ways to go […]

Continue Reading August 31st, 2009


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