Posts filed under 'Macaulay'

Goals for April

Study Abroad Student Video Edit & post Prepare For Other Videos Get information on next year’s Faculty-in-Residence Confer with Joe, Lee, and students about making a video ‘advert’ for the Thesis Colloquium Restart Grad A group on the Academic Commons site Invite more people to join Post an ad about it — the GC? Virtually? […]

Continue Reading April 14th, 2010

Goals for March

“Show and Tell” at ITF Meeting 3/4 Capture audio from Spark interview and make MP3 Build link list for demo Study Abroad Student Video Record interviews 3/5 Edit & post by 3/25 Prepare For Other Videos Get information on next year’s Faculty-in-Residence Confer with Joe, Lee, and students about making a video ‘advert’ for the […]

Continue Reading February 28th, 2010

Annotated YouTube Videos: One Short Example

I have annotated this ridiculous clip of me cooing at my cat in preparation for the launch of The 67th Street Project. Other examples I have going on: Annotated Pictures in Flickr (1, 2, 3 examples) A sample VoiceThread Dipity (beginnings of a basic thread on Charles Olson)

Continue Reading February 23rd, 2010

CUNY Pipeline Honors Conference

Three of the thesis students (Noia, Patrick, and Janet) presented at the annual CUNY Pipeline Honors Conference yesterday–a one-day event which showcases the work of honors undergraduates across the university. It was held down on the concourse level of the Graduate Center–a place where, between Macaulay events and Graduate Council meetings, I find myself more […]

Continue Reading February 20th, 2010

Annotated Musical Scores

First page of Beethoven’s Fifth (full orchestra) First page of Mozart’s Overture to The Marriage of Figaro (cello/bass part) Click on the notes on each picture to get a sense of what to look for when working with musical figures in your research.

Continue Reading February 17th, 2010

(Humorous) Graphs and Charts

They Are Out To Get You Cat Proximity Suspect Was Found Without Pants Enrollment vs. Unemployment Rate Mental Pictures Moral Relativity The Economic Meltdown: Should You Be Concerned? Regrets/Kissing It’s Around Here Somewhere Graduate Student Work Output 16-Hour Days, Either Way Escalators Grad Student Motivation Level Claims of Supernatural Powers In each of these, the […]

Continue Reading February 16th, 2010

Working With Quantitative Visual Evidence

The bulk of your thesis projects will likely include some kind of quantitative visual evidence–that is, a graph or chart illustrating the statistical data which either supports your claims or shapes your research questions. Finding The Best Mode of Presentation for Your Data When determining how best to present what information you have, The Craft […]

Continue Reading February 16th, 2010

Working with Photographs and other Qualitative Visual Evidence

In research writing in the humanities (and to some extent in the social sciences), the use of photographs, or other qualitative visual evidence (as opposed to the quantifiable data found in charts and graphs) requires that you have a very clear sense of a given item’s relevance not only to one section of your text, […]

Continue Reading February 16th, 2010

PowerPoint and Presentation Suggestions

Lindsey’s Six Suggestions For Your Next Presentation You need less text than you think! If a 20-minute conference talk is about 7-10 pages of double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point text with standard margins, then a 5-minute talk is a maximum of 2.5 pages. This means you have to condense your material into key points and […]

Continue Reading February 16th, 2010

Goals for February

Brainstorm a list of candidates for Spring 2010 video interviews faculty Glassman/Sem 4 Tomkiewicz/Sem 4 ask ITFs for suggestions long-term faculty/repeat instructors next year’s Faculty In Residence–need to get this info from Joe ITFs ask Central folks/Joe for suggestions perhaps a group interview tape ITF meeting on Thursday 2/4 get something up quick for potential […]

Continue Reading February 3rd, 2010

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