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jan cohen-cruz - Google News, Page 15

Ted Cruz, Day After Brussels Attacks, Belittles Donald Trump on Foreign Policy – New York Times

New York Times

Ted Cruz, Day After Brussels Attacks, Belittles Donald Trump on Foreign Policy
New York Times
Senator Ted Cruz on Wednesday relentlessly belittled the foreign policy acumen of Donald J. Trump, casting him as dangerous and ill prepared one day after the terrorist attacks in Brussels refocused the presidential race on issues of national security.
Cruz: National Enquirer story is ‘garbage’ from ‘Donald Trump and his henchmen’Reading Eagle
Donald Trump Is Threatening Ted Cruz’s Wife, Because The GOP Race Just Isn’t Offensive Enough YetThe Daily Banter
Watch Ted Cruz Call Donald Trump a Rat He Doesn’t Want to Have Sex With (Video)TheWrap

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Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day – Bloomberg

BloombergFive Things You Need to Know to Start Your DayBloombergDonald Trump and Ted Cruz each took one victory in the two Republican presidential contests yesterday while on the Democratic side Bernie Sanders dominated in Utah and Idaho while Hillary …

EXCLUSIVE: Jeb endorses – GOP CONVENTION could draw huge protests – TERROR boosts Trump: ‘could ultimately … – Politico


EXCLUSIVE: Jeb endorses – GOP CONVENTION could draw huge protests – TERROR boosts Trump: ‘could ultimately
Bush says in a statement to be released by the Cruz campaign: “Ted is a consistent, principled conservative who has demonstrated the ability to appeal to voters and win primary contests. … For the sake of ….. Byron Dorgan, Kerry Kennedy, Elizabeth

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