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jan cohen-cruz - Google News, Page 16

TRUMP SUNDAY TALLY: Sanders is 2nd — FIRST FAMILY leaves tomorrow for 3 days in Cuba, 2 in Argentina: full … – Politico


TRUMP SUNDAY TALLY: Sanders is 2nd — FIRST FAMILY leaves tomorrow for 3 days in Cuba, 2 in Argentina: full
“The Cruz campaign’s hope is twofold: that the calendar going forward, which features many closed primaries in which only Republicans can vote, will be friendly terrain as they seek to mobilize conservatives; and that he will be boosted by an influx of

Insiders: Kasich could win a contested convention – Politico

PoliticoInsiders: Kasich could win a contested conventionPoliticoThe verdict was hardly unanimous: Only a 45-percent plurality of GOP insiders said Kasich was most acceptable, with the others divided between Ted Cruz (33 percent) and Donald Trump (22 p…