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jan cohen-cruz - Google News, Page 29

How Donald Trump Won Twice in One Night – New York Times

New York Times

How Donald Trump Won Twice in One Night
New York Times
If you were ranking Republicans in terms of their chances to defeat Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz, you would probably list Mr. Rubio, Mr. Bush and Mr. Kasich. Yet they appear likeliest to finish tonight in exactly the opposite order — maximizing the
RealClearPolitics – Election 2016 – New Hampshire Republican Presidential PrimaryRealClearPolitics

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The Big Problem With High Health Care Deductibles – New York Times

New York Times

The Big Problem With High Health Care Deductibles
New York Times
When Bernie Sanders released his long-awaited health care plan last month, it was light on the details. But it did include one major, crowd-pleasing promise: Under his Medicare-for-all proposal, no American would ever have to pay a deductible or …
Data Note: How Has the Individual Insurance Market Grown Under the Affordable Care Act? | The Henry J. Kaiser The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An UpdateKaiser Family Foundation
Key Facts about the Uninsured Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family FoundationThe Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

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