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jan cohen-cruz - Google News, Page 30

The Week in Donald Trump’s Twitter Insults – New York Times

Washington Post

The Week in Donald Trump’s Twitter Insults
New York Times
After coming in second behind Ted Cruz in Iowa, Mr. Trump posted a series of complaints that some direct mail from the Cruz campaign was fraudulent, calling the mail “a misdemeanor at minimum.” Again — a difficult decision. It’s clear Mr. Trump is
The utter nastiness of Ted CruzWashington Post
Sanders powered by young people, but lacks Obama advantagesUSA TODAY
Watch the Iowa caucuses live as Republicans and Democrats prepare to cast first votes of 2016 US
Salon –Daily Mail –Raw Story –RealClearPolitics
all 27,291 news articles »

The Privilege of Wild Food – New York Times

New York TimesThe Privilege of Wild FoodNew York TimesIt was dawn in big swells, Block Island rising a few miles to the southwest, and a group of sport fishermen were standing pressed against the stern rails of a large charter boat, drifting on the tid…

Iowa nightmare revisited: Was correct winner called on caucus night? – USA TODAY

Daily Mail

Iowa nightmare revisited: Was correct winner called on caucus night?
DES MOINES — It’s Iowa’s nightmare scenario revisited: An extraordinarily close count in the Iowa caucuses — and reports of chaos in precincts and computer glitches — are raising questions about accuracy of the count and winner. This time it’s the …
How to Understand Donald Trump’s Defeat in IowaNew York Times
Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quittingDaily Mail
Marco Rubio’s Iowa mojoPolitico
The Boston Globe –Haaretz –Boston Herald
all 27,291 news articles »

Iowa nightmare revisited: Was correct winner called on caucus night? – USA TODAY

Daily Mail

Iowa nightmare revisited: Was correct winner called on caucus night?
DES MOINES — It’s Iowa’s nightmare scenario revisited: An extraordinarily close count in the Iowa caucuses — and reports of chaos in precincts and computer glitches — are raising questions about accuracy of the count and winner. This time it’s the …
How to Understand Donald Trump’s Defeat in IowaNew York Times
Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quittingDaily Mail
Marco Rubio’s Iowa mojoPolitico
The Boston Globe –Haaretz –Boston Herald
all 27,291 news articles »