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jan cohen-cruz - Google News, Page 9

Clinton, Trump move to friendly states in next week’s primaries – The Boston Globe

New York Times

Clinton, Trump move to friendly states in next week’s primaries
The Boston Globe
Connecticut Republicans who don’t like Trump may not be in line with Cruz‘s conservative brand either. That leaves Kasich, the most moderate candidate in the GOP field, but he lags far behind in the national delegate tally. Kasich has the backing of
Ted Cruz Scoffs at Donald Trump’s ‘Remarkable’ Win in His Home StateNew York Times
Trump wins home state, collects lion’s share of 95 delegatesBuffalo News
The Daily 202: Clinton, Trump get their mojo back with huge wins in New York primaryWashington Post
Daily Mail –WWL First News –The Daily Banter
all 7,730 news articles »

Entering the orbit of a ‘total narcissist’: who’s who in Donald Trump’s inner circle – The Guardian

The Guardian

Entering the orbit of a ‘total narcissist’: who’s who in Donald Trump’s inner circle
The Guardian
Illustration: All illustrations by Jan Diehm for the Guardian. Jon Swaine … At Trump’s right hand before the presidential campaign took over his life was Michael Cohen, a hard-charging attorney and executive vice-president of the Trump Organization
GOP insiders to Trump: Quit whiningPolitico

all 6,242 news articles »