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NY’s Public Theater cancels Palestinian production, ‘The Siege,’ it agreed to stage in May – Mondoweiss


NY’s Public Theater cancels Palestinian production, ‘The Siege,’ it agreed to stage in May
It is with deep regret that we announce that the Public Theater has decided not to proceed with the plans to showcase The Freedom Theatre’s The Siege in May, 2016. Regardless of the difficulties, we intend to present this play to the US public. We are …

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NY’s Public Theater cancels Palestinian production, ‘The Siege,’ it agreed to stage in May – Mondoweiss


NY’s Public Theater cancels Palestinian production, ‘The Siege,’ it agreed to stage in May
It is with deep regret that we announce that the Public Theater has decided not to proceed with the plans to showcase The Freedom Theatre’s The Siege in May, 2016. Regardless of the difficulties, we intend to present this play to the US public. We are …

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