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Many see a misdeal in ‘woman’s card’ remark – The Boston Globe

Daily Mail

Many see a misdeal in ‘woman’s card’ remark
The Boston Globe
The “woman’s card” was dealt, played, and traded so quickly, it was hard to tell who was winning. Donald Trump wielded it Tuesday to dismiss Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate whose only asset is her gender. In her own victory speech that
Pennsylvania’s wild card delegates could make or break Donald TrumpCNN
US election 2016: Donald Trump sweeps five US statesBBC News
HUFFPOLLSTER: Donald Trump Set To Dominate Northeastern PrimariesHuffington Post
Daily Mail – –My Panhandle
all 9,350 news articles »

Insiders: Clinton would crush Trump in November – Politico

PoliticoInsiders: Clinton would crush Trump in NovemberPolitico… Joe Mobley, John Dowless, Jon Mills, Joseph Falk, Judith Diaz, Justin Day, Kelly Cohen, Kevin Cate, Kevin Sweeny, Marian Johnson, Mark Ferrulo, Marty Fiorentino, Max Steele, Nelson Diaz…

Politics|Donald Trump’s Gender-Based Attacks on Hillary Clinton Have Calculated Risk – New York Times

Daily Mail

Politics|Donald Trump’s Gender-Based Attacks on Hillary Clinton Have Calculated Risk
New York Times
Donald J. Trump, on Thursday in Indiana, has been accused of misogyny in attacking Hillary Clinton because she is a woman. Credit Eric Thayer for The New York Times. With the nation on the verge of a presidential election between the first woman to
Pennsylvania’s wild card delegates could make or break Donald TrumpCNN
Ted Cruz caught in a heated exchange with Donald Trump supporter in IndianaDaily Mail
HUFFPOLLSTER: Donald Trump Set To Dominate Northeastern PrimariesHuffington Post –Haaretz
all 9,350 news articles »