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Tay the ‘teenage’ AI is shut down after Microsoft Twitter bot starts posting genocidal racist comments that defended … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Tay the ‘teenage’ AI is shut down after Microsoft Twitter bot starts posting genocidal racist comments that defended
Daily Mail
It is aimed at 18 to-24-year-olds and is designed to improve the firm’s understanding of conversational language among young people online. But within hours of it going live, Twitter users took advantage of flaws in Tay’s algorithm that meant the AI

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Dry Powder, Public Theater, New York – Financial Times

Financial Times

Dry Powder, Public Theater, New York
Financial Times
Business-themed drama frequently revolves around a clash between munificent optimism and greedy pessimism. On the one side are characters who insist that if the company invests, expands and does right by its workers, then profits and kudos will both …
Claire Danes, John Krasinski & Hank Azaria Kill Dreams For Sport In Public Theater’s ‘Dry Powder’ – ReviewDeadline
Theater|Review: ‘Dry Powder,’ a High-Finance Comedy DramaNew York Times
‘Dry Powder’: Theater ReviewHollywood Reporter
New York Daily News –Variety –
all 49 news articles »