Luka's Arts In NYC

Guggenheim: The Building

by on Nov.07, 2010, under Assignments, Structure/ Architecture


. Marble

. Concrete

. Gold Metal

. Tinted Glass

. White Paint for the inside

. Red Paint for the Elevators

For the inside the architect chose white as the main color, while the outside was mainly a gray/ off-white. The sidewalk seems to have an alien-like quality to it. It is very futuristic. It reminds me of almost crop circles. The ground on the inside is the same. It seems as if a bunch of pieces of a puzzle are coming together. The shape of the main building is a round cylindrical spiral, whereas the extra building is rectangular. The inside is the same in shape. The elevators are also shaped in semi-circles.


. Circle

. Square

. Cylinder

. Cone

. Semi-circle

. Spiral

. Rectangle

My Experience in the Building:

I walked up the ramp as I moved through the exhibition. There were a lot of people from each angle as you went up because as you curved around you could see the previous levels. When I walked it the ramp made it feel like I was staying on the same level as I was going up because even though you’re going up the level are smoothly transitioned and connected. They are not separated by stairs. Plus the incline of the spiral is not strong so it does not feel as if you are walking up. The lighting as you go up seems to get darker, as if it were making the transition from day to night. I was alone when I was walking. In the Guggenheim I heard walking, people dragging their feet, indistinguishable chatter from all around and an echo similar to that of when you are in a gigantic cathedral.

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