Luka's Arts In NYC

David Ellis

by on Nov.08, 2010, under MY Favorite Piece..., Painting/Drawing/2D art, Performing Art

David Ellis is a painter and in a way a movie maker as well. He usually paints huge canvases on floors and walls, as well as does his own structures. His art honestly to me is probably the most diverse and original type of art. When I met David Ellis at the Macaulay building i was simply blown away. He has a very urban influence, which makes his style refreshing and i recognized one of the groups that interviewed him. His style is also semi cartoon-style which adds this youthful sense to his art. But i also love how textural his art can be. Often there are pieces that are very detailed and have many layers.

The thing i like about David Ellis the most is his ability to combine different mediums. For example, he had a piece that was set up in this gallery at RICE University in Texas where he made this painting on these oil drums and paint cans and made these devices so that the cans would be hit to make a sort of beat. He incorporated music into art. To me this is amazing. I think this idea is extremely unique and very innovative. It also must’ve taken a lot of talent in many different fields.

David Ellis believes that art isn’t permanent. In his movies he often paints and repaints over a work and never has really a set image that he keeps. He’ll make a painting and then painting it white and paint a completely separate thing. This philosophy to me is admirable, but i don’t know how he doe it. If there was a piece that i did where i thought it was really good, i wouldn’t be able to bring myself to paint over it, also with this policy he often does a painting in one swoop, which means there really isn’t room for extreme error. He doesn’t draft his work.

Since we saw David Ellis for class I have to say that he has been one of my favorite artists. I love his style and love the way he approaches his work. He also seems like a very cool guy. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this trip and i might have been my favorite out of all the trips that we have gone on.

This is the piece made out of oil drums

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