Luka's Arts In NYC

Chelsea Galleries: Assignment Part 1

by on Nov.09, 2010, under Assignments

The sources of inspiration for all these pieces in these five galleries are technology and the advancement of man, as he grows older. They all focus on some sort of depiction of either old, vs. new or nature vs. industry. This is shown through the materials or subject matter that the artists use. For example, Roxy Raine’s Distillation blends aspects of nature with industry by making natural things that connect with these gigantic industrial pipes. He creates mushrooms and kidneys, for example, to go along with these gigantic pipes. Also, in Mary Temple’s Screentests she uses a five-dollar bill and silk screens Obama’s face on it next to Lincoln’s. It portrays this contrast between the old and the new, the old being Lincoln and the new being Obama.

The reason why they do this? It is because this is a common theme in society. Are we destroying the world as life goes on? As man progresses and invents more and more technology does it not make the world worse itself? This is what the artists want to get across to people. They want to show this relationship in their piece. They want to show that as we progress we pollute.

They also look at this theme of throwing away anything old. For example, in the piece Waste_Generation by Chris Doyle, there is this image of a junkyard of used outdated computer and technology. It gives the audience this sense that we get rid of something as soon as it is old. That regardless how old it is as soon as something new comes along we throw out what’s obsolete.

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