Luka's Arts In NYC

The Chrysler Building

by on Oct.27, 2010, under Fun Stuff, Structure/ Architecture

The Chrysler Building

When one thinks of New York they think of the empire state building, the Brooklyn Bridge and the new York Skyline. But the lesser mentioned structure that is a big part of New York and New York City Culture is the Chrysler Building.

The Building is located on 42nd Street and Lexington avenue and stands at a height of 1046 feet. It was created in 1931 by an architect named William Van Allen. It is an Art Deco building and was the tallest building in the world when it was created but was surpassed when the Empire State Building was built.

When i think of Manhattan this is the building that always stick in my mind. out of all the buildings in New York I’d have to say that this one is by far my favorite. i like the different shapes and the intricacy of the building. it looks like it’s layered. As you look higher and high it starts ti become less and less until the only thing that is left is the core,which is the antenna at the top. but my favorite thing about this piece is the top glass structure of the part. i just think it’s beautiful. The design just reminds me if an actually art piece, like something you would see in an exhibit. When i see this building i don’t think corporation, i think art.

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