Luka's Arts In NYC

GuggenHeim: My Favorite Piece

by on Nov.07, 2010, under MY Favorite Piece..., Painting/Drawing/2D art, Photography

Miranda Lichtenstein

This is my favorite piece of the exhibit because i love the way it plays on reflection. The way the water reflects the face of the woman adds a surreal edge to something that almost seems trivial, like swimming. This piece i think truly embodied the exhibit because it symbolizes the idea of finding oddity in everyday life. That there is this sense of uncanny within us lying underneath the surface. i also love the vividness of the water because the color almost seems painted on. It almost adds an uncanniness because the piece almost feels like it blends between panting and photography. Also the way  the water distorts the edge of the pool makes it seem almost like a landscape. So in this way it is also nature vs industrialism, where the wall is industrialism and the water  is nature.

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