Luka's Arts In NYC

Chelsea Galleries: Fred Tomaseli

by on Nov.09, 2010, under Assignments, Painting/Drawing/2D art

Tomaseli is still around and currently doing a show at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. He was born in Santa Monica, California in 1956 and grew up there. This place is near Disney Land. He graduated from California State University in 1982 with a B.A. in painting and drawing. he currently lives in Brooklyn.

His work is usually associated with psychedelia and drugs. For example, the piece we saw had many drugs and marijuana leaves imbedded into it. And it also had a creature made out of almost human eyes. He also does this work on wood panels. He is very big on psychedelia since he grew up during the 60’s and 70’s in a town so close to Disney Land. A lot of his work reminds me of space because it has a black background and these colorful dots all over it. a common theme that has seemed to appear in his piece is this idea of space and also a use of circles is very vivd in his piece.

1 Comment for this entry

  • dmeyersk

    Why do you think the artist uses drugs as the content of this artwork? Is there a purpose both for the work’s form and for its meaning?
    correction to artist’s name; it’s spelled: Tomaselli

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