Luka's Arts In NYC


What is Music?

by on Nov.16, 2010, under Assignments, Music

Music, to me is any sound that creates emotion to a person. I think that music can be anything from the tapping of a window sill to the sounds of the subway. The most important thing is that it brings emotion and evokes something in a person. There also has to be a rhythm to music. Music has to follow a certain flow to me. This rhythm is part of what affects people. It is what helps them groove to the music. Whether it be the swiping of metro cards on a train or actual singing for me to consider it music it has to follow some sort of rhythm or time. A lot of people have definitions of music that are similar to noise, but to me music and noise are different because of this rhythm. And this rhythm is what sets the type of emotion or reactions that people get from the music. If the rhythm is up tempo and upbeat people will feel more of the need to dance to it and it is more uplifting. If the tempo is slow and chilled out it will relax people and make them want to just sit down and listen to it.  So i guess what I’m trying to say is that music is noise with a rhythm.

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