Week 2: Overview of the Natural and Social History of New York, The Basics of New York City Government, Introduction to Waste Conversion Technologies

Research challenge:  NYC has a strong mayor system.  What does this mean?  Diagram it in a powerpoint slide.

What is Due: Personal Statement

Click to show required readings
Sanderson, Eric W. “Ch. 1: The Mannahatta Project,” in Mannahatta: a Natural History of New York City. Abrams, 2009. 10-33, 98-101,  137-169, 209-243. Available through Baruch e-reserves.

Jacobs, Jane. “Ch. 1: Introduction,” . “Ch. 22: The Kind of Problem a City is,”in The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Vintage, 1992. 3-25. 429-448. Available through Baruch e-reserves.

Rosenzweig, Cynthia, and William Solecki. “New York City adaptation in context.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1196.1 (2010): 19-28. [Zotero]

 Reading tips:  As you read Sanderson, try to absorb the feeling of nature emanating from his historical account.  For photos, google Mannahatta, and check out the Welikia Project.   Jacobs is making a strong argument and her major points are in in pages 1 through 13 of the Introduction.  In the Ch. 22, page 440’s bullet points are key. Focus on these, but do not neglect the rest of the reading.  For the Rosensweig/Solecki reading, approach it as recent and current history.   If someone were reading the article 20 years from now, what would they conclude from it.  Don’t over-stress the agencies and reports, look for the overarching facts and themes.


Click to show optional readings

DiBlasio, Bill.  Guide to Community Organizing. http://advocate.nyc.gov/organizing-toolkit (Download PDF in your language of choice!)

New York City organizational chart: http://www.nyc.gov/html/om/html/orgchart/org_chart.html

British Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Energy from Waste:  A Wasted Opportunity? 2010 http://www.wte.org/waste-energy-resources-a2985

General Historical Overview: Lankevich, George J. American Metropolis: A History of New York City. New York: New York University Press, 1998. (on hard reserve at Library, can be purchased used at Amazon.)

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