What would you do?

The paper titled “Infrastructure impacts and adaptation challenges” details case studies in three different cities and how these cities are adapting to the changing climate or advancing infrastructure in other ways. Pretend for a few minutes that you are the one in charge of deciding a few courses of action to implement in New York City. Realistically you would not have an endless budget, so which initiatives in specific would you implement if you could, and which do you believe are less pressing than the others? Additionally, which of the three cities models do you believe would be the best for New York to follow?

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One Response to What would you do?

  1. Narciso Correa says:

    1. I think energy specific initiatives would be my priority as a key decision maker for NYC. So much of NYC depends on the energy infrastructure. Key transportation segments such as the subways, the essential communication lines such as phone and internet, to the every day appliances that we use at home – the failure in our energy system would mean a grounding halt in the functioning of these and many more essential services.

    To describe the others as less pressing would be inviting some critique. I think all serve vital functions and are important in their own right. But given limited resources, the priority would be in the infrastructure system on which the others depend on, that is energy.

    2. I think there are lessons to learn from each one, and that not a single one would best fit NYC.

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