Thing one, thing two, thing three..

For my picture, I envisioned a future that will allow you to duplicate yourself. There will be a machine or some sort and you are able to go in and it’ll scan your entire body, from how you look to how your personality is, and duplicate it. You can pick specific functions for each clone, such as one would do homework and study, while another one will sleep and catch up on rest, and another one works out your body to ensure that you’re healthy and the last one can be making money by going to work. While all that’s being done, you can do whatever you want. This will not only save time, but allow us to multi task and be more productive.

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One Response to Thing one, thing two, thing three..

  1. Samantha MacBride says:

    This could be the basis for a Sci Fi short story. How would your working selves feel about not having any of the fun?

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