

I know this idea has been mentioned and probably in the works, but I have been wanting something like this to actually happen and to be something that will become a “normal thing” in our society. Our generation is really into technology. For example, every person is looking for the new phone, the new computer, the new technology. I hate carrying wallets. I hate carrying a lot of things. I simply just like carrying the one most important thing to me, which happens to be my phone. My phone holds my contacts, my social media updates, my pictures, basically everything that I need is on my phone (probably not always a good thing). The one thing my phone lacks is the ability to hold everything that I have in my wallet. If there was an app that would allow me to literally put all my credit cards, my ids, and my metro-card in one, so I wouldn’t have to carry around my wallet, my life would be so much easier. The way one would pay with the credit card is a simple QR code that is always different for every person. Simply just scan the QR code, which would just be like using a credit card machine that reads the barcode. Literally everything could be accessible through your phone and it would be secure by using a pin code, just like you would use a pin code for your debit card. I think this would be a huge thing in the future because people want to find the easiest way to access the information they need and why wouldn’t this be the best thing to invest in? It’s literally having everything in the palm of your hands within seconds rather than rummaging through your bag for a good 5 minutes looking for your wallet when the train is right in front of you. Just take your phone scan your metro-card and on the train to your destination.

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One Response to iWallet

  1. Samantha MacBride says:

    Interesting Cassie! Some things to think about: what would the implications be for a society where absolutely everything we do is tracked electronically? Is there a need to keep hard currency as an alternative?

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