Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search?

Globalization, an Effect of Modernity: Will It Affect Your Job Search

All three of the articles “Rocket Machine”, “What is Globalization?”, and “Modernity – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” demonstrate or explain the consequence of modernity that is globalization. The latter article, which conveys what modernity is along with its implications, describes globalization as the process that creates “an ever-expanding, drastically fluctuating world market,” which is now “bearing and driving all people and institutions along.” (p.16). The “Rocket Machine” articles provides a concrete example of a modern force perpetuating an “ever-expanding” world market. Rocket Internet is a venture capital firm that has produced over 100 companies in over 50 countries around the world such as Brazil, Singapore, Pakistan, Poland, Spain, and Italy. Olive Samwer, a founder of Rocket Internet, claims that e-commerce “will work the world over,” and his company’s success and expansion do justice to this claim. (“Rocket Internet”). Globalization is therefore a central theme present in this article, which illustrates how the internet has proven to be the medium by which commerce becomes globalized. The “What is Globalization?” article clearly speaks about globalization, and elucidates its effects.

One of these effects is however disagreed upon in two of the articles – Beck believes that economic globalization “will create unemployment on a huge scale” (p. 8). But this contradicts the fruit of Rocket Internet’s business practice. Since their birth in 2007, Rocket Internet has managed to employ “more than 25,000 employees” (“Rocket Internet”).  Furthermore, Berman’s piece does not hold a position on the effect of globalization on employment. So although these articles share the theme of globalization, they do not share their conceptions of it.

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