Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
An Impossible Task

Twenty-two minutes to capture New York City’s rich history into one video is a daunting task for anyone to partake. The Timescapes exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York attempts to do so by telling a narrative of the history of New York and incorporating various forms of media into one video played over three screens. However, though the exhibit includes various paintings, photographs, videos, and even sound bytes, the exhibit fails to include an essential part of New York’s vibrant history—its population of diverse people. The Timescapes exhibition did touch upon the city’s first settlers and a few stories about immigration into the city, however, I believe that there was a lack of information presented about the different cultural neighborhoods, people, etc. in New York. I believe that the city’s people and their backgrounds are an important aspect when retelling the history of New York City, because so much of what goes on today in the city is based on the consideration of different cultures and viewpoints. I liked the exhibitions use of different types of media within the video, because it gave visual evidence to the viewer and allowed for a better understanding of the narration. I wish the exhibition was a lot more inclusive in the information it decided to include, but compressing New York City’s history into a mere twenty-two minutes may just be an impossible task.

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