Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
A City Built by the World, for the World

Navtej S. Ahuja
Professor Maciuika
Shaping the Future of NYC
17 February, 2014


The rise of a city is a complex and lengthy process, and the interesting thing about this process is that it is never truly complete. Constant challenges regarding maintenance, changes in the demographic composition, and other areas keep those in charge looking for new ways to help the city become prosperous. The same can be said about the rich history of New York City.  Despite the immense challenges it has faced, New York City has become the economic and cultural hub of the world, and the credit should be given to those who have come here from all parts of the world and sprinkled a bit of their own culture into the mix.

At the Museum of the City of New York, time Timescapes exhibits, a short film about the history and development of NYC gives an interesting take on how the city became what it is today, and how it will be shaped in the future. While it is clearly noticeable that the film does not focus nearly enough on some aspects that have shaped the culture of the city (ex. the immense rise and fall of crime), it accomplishes its main objective, which is to get the viewer thinking. Personally, I believe that this film was not meant to be viewed as an encyclopedia, but rather a jumping off point. After watching this film, people should start thinking about what events they think have been important throughout the course of New York City’s history, and what about these events makes them so special.

For example, I would have placed more emphasis on the post 9/11 racial tensions in NYC, because to a certain extent, it still shapes a great deal of human interaction today. Even though the tensions have subsided over the last ten or so years, the aftermath of this event will cast an ominous shadow over the way people of different religions look at each other for much time to come.

The Timescapes exhibit at the MCNY, even though it is very informative, is meant to be treated as something to spark one’s own interest in what has shaped the past of the city at the center of the world.

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