Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC
Destruction and Restoration

October 29th, 2012 marks the day Hurricane Sandy and struck New York City. Multiply properties across the city were damaged and many lost their lives. The Rising Waters exhibition at Museum of the City of New York clearly depicts a timeline of events that happened during Hurricane Sandy. From the burst of water into residential spaces to restoration efforts made by various groups in the city, the exhibition lays out a range of photos. Along one wall were photos of women trying to stop water from flowing into their houses. On another were residents sitting on top of furniture, while they tried to avoid water that had flooded their rooms. At the center of the exhibition, the museum had set news reports on replay, which adds to the urgency and destruction of the city. Many people lost their pets, or even family members, in this hurricane; they were able to do little to protect them from the powerful surges of water. A photo that resonated with me was an image of a house that had been torn in half. What was left of the structure that had been built to protect its residents was only a pile of tiles and cabinets. The exhibit depicts the progression of events on this tragic day, and the days after that people used to recover.

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